Friday, February 27, 2015

A Lesson Plan: Technology in the Classroom

Component I:  Classroom Teaching
Task A-1:  Teaching and Learning Context
Complete once prior to Cycle 1 observations to describe your teaching and learning context.  If the teaching environment changes significantly, e.g., new school, change in classroom placement configuration, change in grade or courses taught, you will need to complete this form again.
Intern Name: Chelsey Salyers Bray
                                                                                         Date: Wednesday 25th, 2015
Content Areas:
Grade Level(s):
Daily average number of students taught
24 per class/ 3 classes
School Instructional Goals 
Analyze major school instructional goals, and briefly describe your anticipated contribution.  Work with your resource teacher, colleagues, principal, or other school personnel to help identify these goals.
Program Review
Highland Elementary is 98% white with .4% Hispanic, .4% Asian, .4% Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. There are 237 male and 229 female with 256 students free lunch and 27 reduced. 
21 regular education teachers, 6 special Ed teachers, 1 physical education, 1 part-time music, 1 part-time art, and a part time Library teacher. Most of the classrooms have 24-28 students. There currently are three iMac labs (24) in each lab with most classrooms having a mix of 5 computers consisting of iMacs and PCs. There is one Mindopad shared among all classrooms. Each class has 24 clickers, document cameras, airliner and large screen TV.
(Multiple sources of data should include faculty meeting notes, Comprehensive School Improvement Plan, School-Based Decision Making Council minutes, continuous assessment data, content literacy plans, and other sources of data e.g., Program Review process being developed.)
Develop (conduct) an inventory of available resources and assistance. (Possible examples: technology, parent involvement, supplies, and human resources available to you.) 
In a regular day, Mrs. Rowe teaches math to 65 fourth grade students at Highland Elementary.  During the scheduled time of my lesson she does not students with IEP's or 504's so differentiated instruction is not required.  I will have 22 students in this class.  We have flexible grouping of students and you will be presenting your lesson to the students we consider on level.
22 Students: 12 boys, 10 girls
Describe how you will utilize resources to implement school and instructional goals.  
In some way, technology is incorporated daily into their classroom. Most of the students have access to internet in the home setting. She does have 5 students who have limited access out of the classroom. (These students are given hard copies of their homework for the night and instructional work for their lessons the following day. This lesson is design to incorporate educational videos and exercise that use technology and the internet. This is so the students can develop a sense of comfort when using technology and to understand its importance. Her students are very familiar with the program Edmodo. Videos can be uploaded to Edmodo (social networking site for students and teachers.)
Critical Student Characteristics or Attributes
  1.  Using appropriate student achievement and demographic data, identify and describe the characteristics of your students that will require differentiated instruction to meet their diverse needs. (In developing your response, you may need to examine characteristics such as differences in culture, language, and learning styles as well as differences in developmental levels and achievement levels.)
Flexible grouping is promoted where students are afforded the opportunity to move into different groups based on their understanding of skills being taught. One grouping is below level and requires smaller group size, more hands on activities, and more one to one with teacher. On level group is taught utilizing textbook and less hands on one to one with the teacher. The above level group is able to retain information quickly with more student based learning.
This class of twenty-two students struggle with some concepts and requires more hands on activities. They work well in small groups making sure to include all group members. I have no IEP’s or 504’s in this class.
  1. Based on the diversities you’ve described in a above develop a profile for three specific students in your class(es) that you teach during your school day.  See KTIP Completed Tasks Examples for a sample.
During the scheduled time for my lesson there were not any students who have diverse needs. The school as a whole has a very same portion of students who have cultural and language differences. There were no students during this schedule time who need special assistance. However, the teacher did say that as whole her students were on target. Very few, if any were exceeding targets and there were some who were below target.
One student struggling to meet lesson objectives or targets: 
One student meeting lesson objectives or targets:
One student exceeding lesson objectives or targets:

Your committee members will review and evaluate your performance on this task using Standard 1: The teacher demonstrates applied content knowledge and Standard 2: The teacher designs and plans instruction.
Component I: Classroom Teaching
Task A-2:  Lesson Plan
Intern Name:            Chelsey Bray                         Date:  2/25/14                                           Cycle:
# of Students:    22                               Age/Grade Level:    8/4th                   Content Area: Mathematics
Unit Title:       Fractions                                   Lesson Title:  Introducing Fraction Basics: Emphasis on Vocabulary
Lesson Alignment to Unit
Respond to the following items:
a)       Identify essential questions and/or unit objective(s) addressed by this lesson.
  1. Objective 1: What is an equal part? What is a fraction
  2. Objective 2: Identify Vocabulary: Define Numerator, Denominator, and Fraction Bar
  3. Objective 3: Students will apply what they have learned through a worksheet
b)       Connect the objectives to the state curriculum documents, i.e., Program of Studies, Kentucky Core Content, and/or Kentucky Core Academic Standards.
Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions.
c)       Describe students’ prior knowledge or focus of the previous learning.
Students have previously completed the following Common Core Standards Unit:
Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its             right. For example, recognize that 700 ÷ 70 = 10 by applying concepts of place value and division.
Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and one-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
d)       Describe summative assessment(s) for this particular unit and how lessons in this unit contribute to the summative assessment.
Develop Understanding of Fractions as Numbers:
The summative assessment for this unit will consist of two interactive worksheets where the students must correctly identify and define unit vocabulary, identify equal parts, equivalent fractions, numbers as a whole, half, third, and fourth, and ultimately compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning about their size. The summative assessment will also assess the student’s ability to recognize the parts of a fraction, what they mean, how they are applied, and to express them in terms of numbers on a number line. Lastly, they will have to explain how they decided on their particular answer, using their vocabulary learned, and explaining
e)       Describe the characteristics of your students identified in Task A-1 who will require differentiated instruction to meet their diverse needs impacting instructional planning in this lesson of the unit.
No student will require differentiated instruction.
f)        Pre-Assessment:  Describe your analysis of pre-assessment data used in developing lesson objectives/learning targets (Describe how you will trigger prior  knowledge):
“List five ways you and your family use fractions.”
                   Assessing tool: Sticky notes placed on parking lot poster or using board
Based on Common Core Standards students must be able to identity fractions as numbers. For this reason, students must be able to properly identify the numbers using the vocabulary they have learned to help them identify proper placement. In the previous unit, students have learned value and properties of operations and arithmetic. To trigger prior knowledge, I can assess the student’s through five arithmetic problems to see who is struggling. This can be done using a software program on the whiteboard that will allow me to see what each particular student chose, but will not give away to the class who the students are.
The students are very familiar with the technology tool of Plickers. Their teacher uses this on a regular basis as an assessment tool. Plickers a free technology assessment tools that allows the teacher to record the answers of the students by using their phone or iPad. This tool then records the answers of each student and then teacher can put them on the whiteboard for the class to see or keep them on record for herself to see and assess.
Instructional Strategy/Activity
What is a unit? 
How did "Equal Parts" explain fractions in a way you could understand?    
How does your family use fractions in their daily lives?
Use your blog or interactive notebook.
Assessment description:
This video will introduce terms such as fraction, numerator, and denominator.
These questions are based on the content covered in this unit and are on target with Common Core
Assessment Accommodations:
How are fractions used in your daily life? How does you utilize fractions in your daily life?
Strategy/Activity: After completion of the short film, students will write what they have learned using the objective questions. We will then as a group review what we have learned. I will use this time to walk among the groups and get in individual questions and comments.
Activity Adaptations: Use of a power point presentation will be used throughout the lesson. This is just for the purposes of showing the students where we are in our lesson. It serves an outline.
What is a numerators?    
What is a denominator?
What is a Fraction Bar?
What number is "never under?" Which number is "down"?
Write your answer on a sticky note and place it on the Parking lot. Sign your name to the back.
Assessment description: The next objective will include an instructional tool as well. Students will watch a clip that helps them understand the terms numerator, denominator, and fraction bar.
Assessment Accommodations:
Use Plickers.
Students will be give 5 questions composed of terminology and examples to evaluate their knowledge.
Strategy/Activity: After we have discussed our vocabulary terms, we will then apply them through practice using the assistance of our PowerPoint. Students will be shown a series of examples. We will practice in small groups and class discussions.
Students will perform group and individual work to test their knowledge of the lesson. As a whole they will participate in an online activity.
Activity Adaptations:
“Fractions are Parts”
Text Box: Assessment description: Students do individual practice using Tenmarks. 

Assessment Accommodation:
Tenmarks will be used to assess the knowledge of the lesson. With this program the students can watch a video if they have problems with a question. They can receive up to two hunts if they are still struggling after viewing the video students are given instant feedback on incorrect answers. 
Text Box: Strategy/Activity: Individually, they will complete a worksheet through Tenmarks that identifies the parts of a fraction.
 I will use this time to walk among the students and see where they are, how they are doing, and if they need assistance.

Activity Adaptations:
Applied Practice
Tenmarks: (Students are familiar with this program) Students use technology to practice skills. You can select a standard to test.
Procedures: Describe the sequence of strategies and activities you will use to engage students and accomplish your objectives. Within this sequence, describe how the differentiated strategies will meet individual student needs and diverse learners in your plan. (Use this section to outline the who, what, when, and where of the instructional strategies and activities.)
Objective 1:
  1. Students will begin class with watching a short film .
  2. After the film is complete they will answer the following questions on their blog or interactive journal.
 What is a unit? 
How does your family use fractions in their daily lives?
  1. After completion of the short film, students will write what they have learned using the objective questions. We will then as a group review what we have learned. I will use this time to walk among the groups and get in individual questions and comments.
  2. Use of a power point presentation will be used throughout the lesson. This is just for the purposes of showing the students where we are in our lesson. It serves an outline.
Objective 2:
  1. The next objective will include an instructional tool as well. Students will watch a clip that helps them understand the terms numerator, denominator, and fraction bar.
  2. After the clip is complete they will answer the following questions in their math journal: What is a numerators?    
What is a denominator?  What is a Fraction Bar? 
  1. Students will first participate through class discussion in an online worksheet that involves identify parts of the whole and correctly labeling the parts of a fraction.   “Fractions are Parts”
  2. Students will perform group and individual work to test their knowledge of the lesson. Using Plickers, students will be give 5 questions composed of terminology and examples to evaluate their knowledge.
Objective 3:
  1. Applied Practice
  2. Tenmarks: (Students are familiar with this program) Students use technology to practice skills. You can select a standard to test. Individually, they will complete a worksheet they identifies the parts of a fraction. I will use this time to will among the students and see where they are, how they are doing, and if they need assistance.
  3. Individually, they will complete a worksheet through Tenmarks that identifies the parts of a fraction. I will use this time to walk among the students and see where they are, how they are doing, and if they need assistance.. They will be able to use their blog or interactive journal at any time to look back for help.
  4. Tenmarks will be used to assess the knowledge of the lesson. With this program the students can watch a video if they have problems with a question. They can receive up to two hunts if they are still struggling after viewing the video students are given instant feedback on incorrect answers.
  5. I will be able to asses their information also using this program as an adminsitrator.

Component I: Classroom Teaching
Task C: Lesson Analysis and Reflection
Intern Name:         Chelsey Salyers Bray                                            Date:        2-25-15                                                    Cycle:
To ensure that your lesson analysis and reflection inform instruction, this task must be completed no later than two days after each observed lesson.
  1. Explain how you determined the levels of student performance on your objective(s)/learning targets.  Refer to rubrics or criteria used in this determination. (What was effective?  What was not effective? What would you keep?  What would you change?)
I thought the vocabulary was very effective. Students were familiar with being introduced to vocabulary and with the use of technology. They used their interactive notebooks to for the purpose of learning vocabulary. I also liked the use of the video. I had collaborate with the teacher throughout the week and she had help me come up with some better idea than I had initially had planned in my lesson.
I liked the overall structure of my lesson. I would like to use Prezi next time instead of traditional PowerPoint. It was hard for them to focus on Power Point, it’s not as fancy as Prezi so they were confused about what was going on or happening. Prezi also has a lot more tricks and tools that can help keep their focus on just one task at a time.
I would also like to change their seating. The students were seated in individual seats. However, if I did it again, I would put them in groups based on their flexible grouping levels so they can collaborate and learn from one another.
2.  For each lesson objective/learning target, sort the student performance into three categories
a)       Below criteria   7___# of students
b)       Meeting criteria  13 ___# of students
c)       Exceeding criteria  _2__ # of students
3.  For each category, describe the students’ strengths and learning needs.
a)       Below criteria 
These students has a hard time understanding the vocabulary of the lesson; therefore, they had difficulty learning what a numerator, denominator, and fraction were. It would have helped if I had used a book to introduce the lesson so that they could have used context clues to understand what the text was saying. The videos did help some; however, we were not in the computer lab so we used the TV. Maybe had we been in the computer lab, they could have focused more efficiently. 
b)       Meeting criteria
The students did well with the vocabulary terms as well as the objective questions that went with the clips. These students also seem to have an understanding of what fractions were based on how well they responded to the pre-assessment questions: “List five ways you and your family use fractions.” Overall, this group was on target. Many were just shy of exceeding criteria.
c)       Exceeding criteria
These students learned very quickly and required little if any, help from me. The students were able to stay focused and on target. They had no trouble understanding how fractions were used in their daily lives. These students should be pushed to a higher-level of thinking because they evaluated the text and lesson on a deeper level.
4.  Reflect on the following:
a)       How effective was your instruction based on analysis of student performance indentified in number 2 above?
Overall, the students were on target. Those that struggled had a difficult time with the pre-assessment. There was a limited amount of time to answer this questions. Maybe if they had been allotted more time they would have been able to make the correlation. Those on target and above criteria worked efficiently on the Tenmarks assessment. You could see that the all children were comfortable with the technology being used during this lesson.
b)       What new professional learning and resources could help you increase your instructional effectiveness?
I would like to use Prezi, rather than Power point. I know this may seem “knit-picky”; however, I could tell some of the student’s had difficulty focusing. With Prezi, I can focus in on just the objectives or just the example, rather than having one large screen with numerous objectives on it. With Power Point I would have to make tons of slides for just one lesson that may have one example. The power point would see to last forever. However, with the digital effects of Prezi (and with the feedback I received from Mrs. Rowe), the students are likely to be more involved when they see a power point designed like a space ship, rather than traditional slides from a power point presentation.
c)       Describe patterns in student performance.  How will these patterns be used in planning and instruction
The students did very well with technology. They worked effectively with Plickers and sticky notes. They were engaged in assessments and were more likely to respond to these methods rather than with a standardized test or worksheet. 
5.  For each category of students, how will you differentiate instruction?
a)       Below criteria
I will monitor these students more closely and make sure they have a solid vocabulary base to work with. I will be more likely to give more assessments periodically and in different formats. I will also collaborate before and see what level each child is on that way I can give them work on their level.
b)       Meeting criteria
For these students I would continue to push them so that they can become above-level. I would constantly have to challenge them to rise above. I could give them on level work but then push them to show me how it relates to real life situations or have them think out of the box to encourage critical thinking skills. I would also push them to expand their vocabulary. They did a good job with the initial vocabulary for this lesson; however, I would encourage them to do some researching on their own to see other ways fractions are used in their daily lives.
c)       Exceeding criteria
For this category of students I would continue to push to think more critically and too relate events to real life situations.  I would continue to challenge them to a higher level of thinking. I would like to see them relate their vocabulary to other lessons or other situations we continue to encounter throughout this unit.
6.  Describe how you communicate continuous progress with students and parents/caregivers (other than school grade reporting).
I can make myself available through email and phone every day. Infinite campus is also available for parents and students to stay in touch with their child’s grades and events going on in the school. On a more personal note, Edmodo is available for my parents and their children to look at daily. Tenmarks has a parent portal and students have opportunities to check their “Report Card” using this program. These programs are also used for homework and parents can assist their children at home. Also, I can be connected as an administrator and my kids can message me and we can work through problems together. Also, gradebook reports are generated weekly.

From your classroom observations, type your examples of the classroom teacher’s attainment of the standards. Add the teacher’s name to each example provided. Their contact information will be documented through your online field experience submission.
You are to use this one form for all the teachers you observe. Just put the teacher’s name next to the example as in “Std 1.1 Reynolds then presented a PPT on the Revolutionary War in which she provided concepts about the reasons for the conflict.”

A minimum of 10 of these standards in Part 1 must have detailed examples provided.
1.1 Communicates concepts, processes, and knowledge.
Mrs. Rowe is an effective communicator who provides clear instruction to her students. She went through the process step by step.
1.2 Connects content to life experiences of student.
Mrs. Rowe teacher Math all day to 4th graders. One example she used that related to real life was asking her kids to show her how they make snow cream. She was introducing a lesson on fractions to prepare the students for the lesson I would give later. She asked the students to write out the portions of the ingredients they would need.
1.3 Demonstrates instructional strategies that are appropriate for content and contribute to student learning.
Mrs. Rowe uses flexible grouping. Flexible grouping is where students are afforded the opportunity to move into different groups based on their understanding of skills being taught.
1.4 Guides students to understand content from various perspectives.
Mrs. Rowe was constantly involved. She walked around class, was connected to Tenmarks as well as Edmodo and monitored the student’s blogs as well.
1.5 Identifies and addresses students’ misconceptions of content.
Mrs. Rowe uses books a lot of the time to introduce concepts to the class. For fractions, would example was using Full House: An Invitation to Fractions by Ann Dayle Dodds. She explained the author’s purpose for writing the book and how it related to the lesson for that day. She also frequently stopped to see if there was any confusion or if someone had a question.
3.1 Communicates high expectations.
At the beginning of every class, Mrs. Rowe would introduce the day’s topic, objectives, and expectations.
3.2 Establishes a positive learning environment.
Mrs. Rowe has a great relationship with her students. She is fun, yet serious when she needs to be.
3.3 Values and supports student diversity and addresses individual needs.
All the children worked together in small groups periodically throughout the lesson. No one dominated the lesson and Mrs. Rowe was a constant presence in the room.
3.4 Fosters mutual respect between teacher and students and among students.
Students worked in small groups and pairs based on their flexible grouping. All the students worked well together and were on target. There was a sense of respect in the classroom. They knew Mrs. Rowe was in charge.
3.5 Provides a safe environment for learning.
Mrs. Rowe’s classroom was open and safe. You could see that the children would come to her for help if need be and they were comfortable talking to her and one another.
4.1 Uses a variety of instructional strategies that align with learning objectives and actively engage students.
Mrs. Rowe’s classroom is activity in technology. She uses a variety of strategies to get her student’s minds thinking and get them involved. They use student blog and interactive journals to record notes and vocabulary. She uses Plickers and sticky notes as a form of assessment and she also used Tenmarks to evaluate where they are in their lesson.
4.2 Implements instruction based on diverse student needs and assessment data.
4.3 Uses time effectively.
Flexible grouping is where students are afforded the opportunity to move into different groups based on their understanding of skills being taught. One grouping is below level and requires smaller group size, more hands on activities, and more one to one with teacher. On level group is taught utilizing textbook and less hands on one to one with the teacher. The above level group is able to retain information quickly with more student based learning. Therefore because of this students need more to work through their assignments. They did work effectively and in a timely manner.
4.4 Uses space and materials effectively.
Each student had his or her own space. The classroom has 12 individual desk for independent work and four tables for small group activities.  I have three iPad, 5 Macs and will soon be receiving my Chromebook mobile lab. 
4.5 Implements and manages instruction in ways that facilitate higher order thinking.
5.1 Uses pre-assessments.
Mrs. Rowe asses the student’s knowledge by asking them to find a recipe on snow cream and then describe to her how fractions is used. She also asked them to tell her how they use fractions in their daily lives.
5.2 Uses formative assessments.
Mrs. Rowe used Tenmarks to assess where her students were throughout the lesson. She would stop, give them 3-5 questions to assess their knowledge. She also used Plickers.
5.3 Uses summative assessments.
Mrs. Rowe used Tenmarks to assess where her students were throughout the lesson. She would stop, give them 3-5 questions to assess their knowledge. She also used Plickers.
5.4 Describes, analyzes, and evaluates student performance data.
Mrs. Rowe has this on record through Edmodo, Tenmarks, and Plickers. At any time she can look at a student’s performance data
5.5 Communicates learning results to students and parents.
Both students and their parents can see their child’s grade and performance in her classroom through Tenmarks, Edmodo, and Infinite Campus (this is a program used county wide.)
5.6 Allows opportunity for student self-assessment.
She can assign student’s homework through Edmodo and Tenmarks that can be done at home on their own computer. She only has 5 students who do not have access to a computer. She gives those students hardcopies.
6.1 Uses available technology to design and plan instruction.
She uses Edmodo daily as well as Tenmarks, Plickers, and weekly. She is a very big advocate for technology so her students are very comfortable with interactive tools for learning.
6.2 Uses available technology to implement instruction that facilitates student learning.
She uses Edmodo daily as well as Tenmarks, Plickers, and weekly. She is a very big advocate for technology so her students are very comfortable with interactive tools for learning.
6.3 Integrates student use of available technology into instruction.
She uses Edmodo daily as well as Tenmarks, Plickers, and weekly. She is a very big advocate for technology so her students are very comfortable with interactive tools for learning.
6.4 Uses available technology to assess and communicate student learning.
Aside from what is in her classroom, her students get an hour a day for lab. She uses this time to allow them to do their homework or she does her lesson on Edmodo for that time period.
6.5 Demonstrates ethical and legal use of technology.
Mrs. Rowe was on target with Common Core Standards and the school follows ethical and legal guidelines, as does Mrs. Rowe. 

From your conversation, type your examples of the classroom teacher’s attainment of the standards below. Add the teacher’s name to each example provided. Their contact information will be documented through your online field experience submission.  

You are to use this one form for all the teachers you observe. Just put the teacher’s name next to the example as in “Std 2.1 Reynolds stated that she meets regularly with her team to align the learning objectives with the standards in her English 10 class.”

A minimum of half of these standards in Part 2 must have
detailed examples provided: These 20 spaces will require you to RECOGNIZE no fewer than 10 of these standards from your talking with the classroom teachers you observed. 
Mrs. LaTonya Rowe, 4th Grade Mathematics
2.1 Develops significant objectives aligned with standards.
Mrs. Rowe gives clear objectives daily. She uses daily lesson plans that correspond with her unit plans.
2.2 Uses contextual data to design instruction relevant to students.
She can collect data through the programs that she uses to design instruction relevant to her student’s needs,
2.3 Plans assessments to guide instruction and measure learning objectives.
Her assessments are taken directly from what her students are working on. It follows curriculum and unit lesson. Her assessments include only what has been covered in class.
2.4 Plans instructional strategies and activities that address learning objectives for all students.
Because her students are in flexible grouping, she takes into account the fact that they all learn different and at different rates. She will not move on until every child in on target.
2.5 Plans instructional strategies and activities that facilitate multiple levels of learning.
Her students work in small groups or pairs based on their flexible grouping levels.
7.1 Uses data to reflect on and evaluate student learning.
Based on the data she receives from Edmodo, Tenmarks, and class assessments, she is able to go back and see where her students have struggled. She uses these tools to see where she needs to go back and reteach.
7.2 Uses data to reflect on and evaluate instructional practice.
She uses data to reflect on where her students are, where they have been, and where they need to be. She has a better understanding also on how to adjust her flexible grouping. She can also use this to see what students may need extra work or more instruction to understand the concepts being taught.
7.3 Uses data to reflect on and identify areas for professional growth.
Edmodo and Tenmarks are two programs she uses to collaborate with parents and their children. She also makes herself available through email and phone. She also invites parents into her classroom. She gives weekly reports as well.
8.1 Identifies opportunities to engage in collaborations that enhance student learning.
8.2 Identifies and engages in collaborations that enhance the standards-based unit development.
She is in a team of three colleagues who make up a pod. They collaborate on student performance across the board. They also plan events together for team building as well as incorporating other subjects into their lessons.
8.3 Reflects on the purpose and impact of the collaborative activities.
8.4 Explains how the collaboration to enhance student learning has been implemented.
County wide collaboration is used for subjects and grades. Mrs. Rowe has frequent collaborate with all 3rd grade math teachers. They use a site called CIITS. Every math teacher load his or her weekly lesson onto this site. However, they agree as a whole on a unit lesson. The unit lessons are centered on Common Core Standards for 4th grade mathematics.
9.1 Self assesses performance relative to Kentucky’s Teacher Standards.
She has a personal and professional growth plan she said she tries to evaluate monthly
9.2 Identifies priorities for professional development based on data from self-assessment, student performance and feedback from colleagues.
9.3 Designs a professional growth plan that addresses identified priorities.
9.4 Shows evidence of professional growth and reflection on the identified priority areas and impact on instructional effectiveness and student learning.
Just this week, Mrs. Rowe spoke at a KCTE Conference on technology. She is passionate about technology in the classroom. She was awarded the CEDAR Teacher of the Year and PBS Digital Innovator. She also received the Walking Classroom Grant, CEDAR Grant, ARI Grant and a Mobile Lab.  It is evident that she is passionate about learning as well as professional development.
10.1 Identifies leadership opportunities that enhance student learning and/or professional environment of the school.
10.2 Develops a plan for engaging in leadership activities.
Just this week, Mrs. Rowe spoke at a KCTE Conference on technology. She is passionate about technology in the classroom. She was awarded the CEDAR Teacher of the Year and PBS Digital Innovator. She also received the Walking Classroom Grant, CEDAR Grant, ARI Grant and a Mobile Lab.  It is evident that she is passionate about learning as well as professional development.
10.3 Implements a plan for engaging in leadership activities.
10.4 Analyzes data to evaluate the results of planned and executed leadership efforts.

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